The material is known to be included in the W76 warhead, where it has been revealed to be an interstage material. The FOGBANK material came to public attention .... You may recall that the loss of Fogbank was a bit of a crisis that seriously delayed the W76 Life Extension Program. ...

FogbankW76 LEP. Post .... Fogbank — це кодова назва матеріалу, який використовують в американських ядерних боєголовках W76, W78 та W88.

Ці боєголовки належать до типу .... “Fogbank”核弹材料是1975年冷战时期美国人发明的,由美国田纳西州橡树岭的Y-12生产设施9404-11建造。最后一枚使用了Fogbank材料的W-76弹头于1989年生产下线 ....

Fogbank in the refurbishment of the W76.” Door Open for Future Use of Fogbank Alternative. As recently as this summer, the Senate Armed ....