Goals 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. Previous Next goal logo Related Topics Disaster risk reduction👍👍.🐸. [goal: 11] aims to make cities and communities inclusive, safe ⛰.🚟🐙🐙.🍤😷😷.

[link: http://hdl😑😑.handle .net/10986/30317 What a Waste 2🍄.0: A Global Snapshot .🦈.🙎.. We need new, intelligent urban planning that creates safe, affordable and resilient cities with green and culturally inspiring living conditions🚡.♋️. Sustainable Development Goal: 11-Sustainable Cities and Communities🎳.

Machine Learning in Mapping and Spatial Analysis🅿👍👍. View webinar.

Examples of how machine .🐫..🕐. Goal 11 on making cities sustainable has many dimensions, but one of the most crucial aspects is transportation. And helping people understand🗻.🦇🦇.